This article was originally published as dated below. It has been reedited for computer transmission as of 4/22/95. No substantial factual changes have been made from the original except to correct minor errors.


A Monthly Publication


It is the editorial intention for this monthly report to involve people in a lucid and technically competent discussion of UFO phenomenon. These reports will discuss the history of the phenomenon, UFO flight characteristics, the occupants, UFO physical effects, their propulsion methods, the technological and theoretical implications, and the social and spiritual implications of the phenomenon.
Gary Wade ( Editor )

MISSING TIME In recent years the phenomenon of people being abducted by alien beings and then being returned without remembering the abduction has come to light. When these people begin to remember the abduction, it is usually in dreams or nightmares. It is often only when these people seek professional help and are hypnotically regressed that they regain full recall of the abduction or recurring abductions. These abductions quite often seem to be for the purpose of medical type examinations, medical treatments, mind probing , mind programming , and enlightenment. A couple of examples will serve to clarify the situation.
First, sometimes a woman abductee will be placed prone onto an examination table aboard a UFO. The alien abductors will insert a large needle - like device into her abdominal area where her ovary is located. The abductors are able to carry out this procedure in a nearby painless way by a sort of hypnosis anesthesia. Whether an egg or egg follicles are removed or not, I do not know. However, if they are, perhaps they have a cow uterus waiting for a fertilized egg as discussed in the August 86 issue of THE UFO REPORT.
Secondly, sometimes the abductee will have a large needle - like device inserted up the nasal passage and into the brain case. Again, this procedure is removed, it has a metallic dendritic growth on it. Perhaps this is aluminum, which is the apparent cause for one of the forms of Alzheimer's disease ( Avoid using aluminum cookware in particular, do not use aluminum coffee pots or aluminum soft drink cans in general. ).
I would like to share with you an abduction story told to me by a physicist friend. For the purposes of this article we will call my friend Floyd. One summer Floyd decided to go on a back - packing trip by himself in Kings Canyon National Park. He planned a ten day trip. On the evening of the ninth day he made camp at the top of Kings Canyon. As he was setting up camp another hiker came by and struck up a conversation. This hiker was a man about sixty years old. Floyd offered to share the camp site and the other man accepted. They made dinner, chatted for awhile and then turned in for the night. The next morning the older man broke camp first about 15 minutes before Floyd. They said their good - byes and the older man headed down the Kings Canyon trail. About 15 minutes later Floyd headed down the same trail. As he headed out he could see some hikers coming around the canyon bend of the trail heading towards him. Awhile later he encountered these hikers. They chatted for a bit and Floyd mentioned his former camp companion. To Floyd' s surprise, they had not encountered him on the trail. This was surprising, since on this particular section of trail there was no way to leave the trail except to jump off the cliff edge into the canyon or be a hard rock climber and scale the canyon face. Well, Floyd assumed that there must be a nook or place ahead on the trail, he found no such place. Furthermore, as the canyon made a bend where Floyd had first seen the other hikers, the older man was not seen to cross, even though Floyd had a continuously clear view of that area.
Well, Floyd just considered this situation one of life's little mysteries and continued on his way to trail's end. When he reached his car, Floyd put his gear away and had a non - eventful drive back to Los Angeles. Upon his arrival home, his mother joyfully ran out to meet and hug him. Floyd's response was, "Mother, I have only been backpacking." His mother's response was, "But son, you have been gone for twenty one days! ".
I asked Floyd if he would like to be hypnotically regressed to find out where he was and what he was doing during that missing eleven days. Floyd's response was a nervous "NO!". If I have sparked an interest in you to know more about alien abductions may I suggest the book, MISSING TIME.

Humorous images.

It was the of a fabulous day of spring skiing, the sun had slipped behind the adjacent mountain and I had just finished putting my skis away. I opened a can of Coors and headed due west down the road for a leisurely evening walk. About one hundred yards into my walk I saw a brilliant blue white oval object with a blue white contrail. It was far to the west and traveling from due south to due north. This was the refueling star ship in the earth's upper atmosphere that I discussed in the July 86 issue of THE UFO REPORT. What I did not report in the July issue was that, as I watched this star ship refuel, I received telepathic impressions. I was told what I would be doing for the next few thousand years. That is, I was to be a teacher and in the near future I was to take all of the work I had done on UFO phenomenon and put it into a lecture. So, I began putting my UFO research into the form of a slide show lecture.
By that fall of 1979 I was ready to give my first lecture in the mountain town of Idylwild, California. Idylwild has a population of approximately 3,000 people. I rented the town's Community Center, ran an add in the local paper, and put flyers about town. About 30 people showed up for the lecture. The last three people arrived at the lecture just as I started to talk. They were a couple with an eleven or twelve year old boy accompanying them. They were a middle - class looking people, but they had a very clean or crisp look to them, no flaws or blemishes. I mention these people because they were involved in some peculiar happenings during the lecture that I was subsequently informed of. The lecture was rather informal and anyone could interrupt to ask questions as I went along. When I finished explaining how UFOs could fly supersonic speeds relative to the ground without making shock waves, the boy that accompanied the late arriving couple asked me to go over it again. So, I did, but he still had a puzzled look on his face, however I then continued on with my lecture. My friend P.J. who had helped me in setting up the lecture happened to be sitting behind the boy and as I continued on with the lecture she saw the boy lean over to his mother and say "That's not how we do it on our ship, is it?". The mother replied "shhh". At the mid point in the lecture we took a 15 minute break. And as I was informed at a later date, the woman of the previously mentioned couple befriended another member of the audience named Chuck, who was a local cattle rancher. They had what superficially seemed to be a pleasant, not particularly meaningful chat during the break. However, Chuck later informed me that during the chat he received what he called a very high speed flow of information into his mind accompanied by sort of a high pitched sound in his head. He also said that during this chat she began to drop her projected self image. She slowly allowed him to see her apparent true image of her head. Chuck drew me her head from the top down to but not including her mouth. Apparently she did not drop her image any further because it would have been too scary. Chuck's drawing was that of an insect with giant multi - faceted eyes similar to that of a bee. His drawing reminded me of similar drawings I had seen of the beings that supposedly visit us from the ice planet Houth, whose star is now in the white dwarf stage.
During the break I was befriended by a retired Air Force Colonel and his wife. He had been a fighter pilot during WW2. He had made the rank of Colonel and after the war served at Edwards Air Force Base in California. He told me of an ultra top secret meeting that took place at Edwards Air Force Base in the first Eisenhower administration. This meeting was between top officials of our government, including President Eisenhower, and people from other worlds. Though the Colonel was not privy to most of the meeting, he did know that the aliens put on a rather impressive show of their technological abilities. This was apparently done to give us some insight into the things that were possible for us in the future. In particular, they demonstrated some rather astonishing types of power supplies. Well, all in all, my first UFO lecture was most informative and enjoyable for me. And every blue moon or so when the urge hits, I rent a hall somewhere, put an ad in the local paper and give a lecture to a small group of people. Well, mostly people.

In the May 86 issue of THE UFO REPORT, I outlined how the AIDS antibody proteins could be mass produced. Since then it has come to my attention that one of the most devastating aspects of the disease also provides a possible method of completely destroying the AIDS virus and, therefore, the disease. When an AIDS patient is devastated with an opportunistic infection due to a ravaged immune system, the cells that have AIDS genetic material dormantly incorporated in their own genetic material suddenly begin to manufacture the AIDS virus.1 These cells have AIDS viruses form on and bud off the cell membrane until the immune system kills the infected cell or until the cell dies of "normal" aging / depletion processes. This further infects body cells, particularly the T4 cells2 that are essential to fight off infections. Each time this is repeated the AIDS patient becomes weaker and less resistant to further infections and further deterioration. However, this devastating aspect can be used to destroy the virus before it can infect more cells if the blood antibody concentration is maintained at a high enough concentration while the body is subjected to a "false" infection reaction which will trigger the virus into production. Such a false infection reaction may be induced by an extra large dose of a tetanus shot or one of its components or a whole host of other types of vaccinations3 given in large doses. Even a live virus infection such as those that can only live in the extremity of the nasal tract due to their inability to tolerate normal body temperature can be used for this purpose. In short, through the use of repeated infection reactions, all cell types with dormant AIDS virus genetic material could be destroyed by the virus. The virus could in turn be destroyed by the antibodies before they can infect new cells.
However, all of this requires that someone actually mass produce the AIDS virus antibodies. The technique for isolating the few micro moles of antibody proteins needed to determine the protein amino acid sequence with an automated protein analyzer machine is well known. There may be several forms of the antibody proteins corresponding to different mutations of the virus. The automated protein analyzer machine at Cal Tech can be used, so who is isolating the needed antibody proteins? Once the amino acid sequence is known, the gene machine at Cal Tech can manufacture the DNA molecule carrying the code for the antibody protein. Once the DNA molecule carrying the code has been made, it can be gene spliced into an appropriate microbe for mass culture growth and therefore mass antibody protein production. So who is going to isolate several micro moles of the antibody protein? If I had to judge from the statements being released by the medical industry about the impact of the AIDS epidemic, I would say that they plan to make more money on AIDS treatment and care than they do on Alzheimer's, cancer, and heart disease combined. If the medical industry continues to have its way of only working on the vaccine approach to a AIDS "cure", I recommend you invest heavily in medical supply and hospital companies. If you should be so unfortunate as to have been infected with the virus, sorry, the vaccine will do you no good. Well, what if the medical industry has its way and only works on a vaccine "cure" for AIDS? Must AIDS victims give up all hope? No! There is another way around the problem. Transfusions of ultra centrifuge concentrate of AIDS blood plasma antibodies can be given in place of pure AIDS antibody proteins.4 This will require large amounts of blood from people who test positive for the AIDS antibody. The blood would be separated by blood type. Next the blood cells, bacteria and viruses that might be in the blood would be filtered off. The resulting plasma would be put through ultra centrifugation. The centrifuge fraction which contains the antibody proteins would then be "decanted" off by a syringe. This is not high technology and can be done now. All that is required is that the people in our medical industry who are not content to wait 10, 15, 20, or more years for a vaccine get some control over the situation.


In the August 86 issue of THE UFO REPORT, I introduced the absolute - charge - mass equivalence relationship without proof. In this issue I shall derive the relationship. In classical and special relativity physics there are four parameters from which all other quantities are formed, they are: "space" ( 3 - dimensional ), time, mass, and charge. In classical physics these parameters are considered independent from each other. However, in special relativity physics, space, time, and mass are considered interdependent, with only charge being considered independent. For the purposes of this paper the correctness, but not the completeness of the special theory of relativity will be assumed. The paper's purpose is to demonstrate that mass and charge are interdependent on each other and, in particular, to put forth the principle of absolute - charge - mass equivalence. In order to obtain these results it will be necessary experimental results; plus an understanding of the basic assumptions upon which the history of physics has been built. There are two types of charge. The parameter which represents the magnitude and sign of charge is defined by Coulomb's law. This law gives a method of determining the relative amount of charge present without giving much, if any, information about what charge is.
The magnitude of this parameter can be discussed in two forms: net - charge or absolute - charge. Definition: Net - charge - The difference in the magnitude of positive and negative charge in an entity, keeping the sign of the larger magnitude of positive or negative charge present. Absolute - charge - The sum of the magnitude of both positive and negative charge that an entity can be transformed into, if not in practice, in conception. Nature has for some unknown reason quantitized net - charge and mass ( elementary particles ). Note that net - charge, unlike absolute - charge, is not a simple scalar parameter in the sense that net - charge has magnitude and type, whereas absolute - charge is a simple scalar, it only has magnitude. As an example of the use of the definition of absolute - charge, consider the absolute - charge of an atom in its natural state. For an atom in this condition the net - charge is zero, but the absolute - charge is not. The absolute - charge is at least 2 Z |e-| where |e-| is the magnitude of the net - charge of an electron. The absolute - charge, however, is larger than 2 Z |e-| due to an experimentally known fact that a neutron and proton have a positive and negative internal charge distribution, which adds to the absolute - charge. Also electrons may have extra equal components of positive and negative charge, which would also increase the absolute - charge: however, this is only conjecture at present. The parameter representing mass, has been defined and formulated in several ways. However, since this paper is assuming the correctness of special relativity, it will therefore use special relativity's definition of mass. This definition of mass is chosen to preserve the form of the classical momentum conservation law, ( M1 V1 + M2 V2 ) = ( M1* V1* + M2*V2* ) , while requiring that the law be relativistically invariant ( invariant under a Lorenz transformation ).
Definition: Mass is the coefficient of the four - velocity V in the relativistic expression for the momentum. P = M V, M = Mo / ( 1 _ v2 / c2 )1/2 , where Mo is the rest mass ( classical mass ) and v is the classical speed.
Physics is based on an assumption: The universe operates under a specific set of rules or laws: all things entities as well as events are not mere chance. This implies that the elementary particles, which are entities and of which all matter is made up of, are not just consequences of the laws of the universe, but are in fact an inseparable part of the fabric of these laws. Furthermore, if and when the equations describing the laws of nature are known, they will demand the existence of the elementary particles as well as describe their inter - reactions. The elementary particles of which all matter is made are the center of structures that have an unknown extension into space and time and are the source of the parameters for the charge and mass. The elementary particles, being distinct and therefore namable, give the first hint of a possible fundamental charge - mass relationship, for they have specific net - charge, masses and spins; and it is not mere chance that there are elementary particles. The net charge of an elementary particle "produces" an electric field. If this electric field is in motion relative to an observer there will be a magnetic field generated or according to special relativity the electric field is transformed into a mixed electric and magnetic field. Special theory also requires that a static magnetic field in one inertial system will transform into a mixed electric and magnetic field when viewed from another inertial system moving with respect to this inertial system, in which the magnetic field is static. The importance of this phenomenon, excluding photons for the moment, is that a magnetic field can not exist or has not been observed to exist without the movement of charge of some nature, be it a current in a wire, the alignment of electron spin in a permanent magnet, or the proposed meson cloud of neutrons. The point to be made is that neither an electric nor magnetic field could exist without a charge for a "source". With this in mind, how was it decided that a photon, which has an electric and magnetic field, has no charge or charge equivalent in its make up? It would seem that this belief developed out of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, in which no charge was carried by a electromagnetic wave or field. Yet Maxwell's equations say nothing to imply that electromagnetic waves or fields come in quanta in which the energy of quanta is directly proportional to the frequency of the field. It would therefore be unjustified to draw the conclusion that there is no charge of some form present in a photon from a theory which is inadequate in its foundations to conceive the existence of photons.
This realization allows a reevaluation and interpretation in many fundamental processes such as pair production and elementary particle decay. When a gamma ray photon has sufficient energy it may produce a matter - anti - matter pair by undergoing a collision process with the nucleus of an atom. An example of this process is the production of an electron - positron pair. The net - charge of the pair is zero, as is required by the law of conservation of net - charge. However, the conservation of net - charge does not demand the photon to have zero charge, only that the photon have equal amounts of positive and negative charge or equivalent. With this understood, it should be asked: "Can charge be created and destroyed?". If a photon has no charge contained in its makeup or charge equivalent, charge must be created in equal amounts of positive and negative charge in order to satisfy the law of conservation of net - charge in the process of pair production. It is a fundamental principle of classical physics that every process has its reverse, due to the invariance of physical laws under time reversal. Therefore, if charge can be created it can also be destroyed and must be created and destroyed in equal and opposite amounts in order to satisfy the law of conservation of net - charge. At present it is accepted that charge is created and destroyed in equal and opposite amounts ( pair production and pair annihilation ).
However, If a photon contains charge or some equivalent to charge there is a possibility that charge is neither created or destroyed ( conservation of absolute - charge ) , but is only transformed, it would have to be assumed that the pair producing particle was carrying the charge or charge equivalent to produce the net and absolute - charge contained in the created matter - anti - matter pair. From the point of view of special relativity, the only significant change that took place, in the pair producing particle during the pair producing process, was its change in velocity and kinetic energy or relativistic mass. Therefore, if charge is neither created or destroyed ( conservation of absolute - charge ) , the charge or charge equivalent must be transformed in the form of mass or energy. Note that the absolute - charge of the matter - anti - matter pair is a simple scalar just as the change in the kinetic energy or relativistic mass of the pair producing particle. To illustrate this possible absolute - charge - mass or energy relationship further, the phenomenon of Doppler shift is considered. A photon will have different energy in different inertial systems. A photon may have enough energy in one system to produce an electron - positron pair, with an absolute - charge Q of at least twice the magnitude of the net charge of an electron at rest Q > 2 |e-| . In another system the photon may have enough energy to produce a neutron - anti - neutron pair, with a minimum absolute - charge of four times the absolute - charge of an electron since a neutron decays into an electron, proton and anti - neutrino. Now, if absolute - charge is neither created or destroyed ( conservation of absolute - charge ) a photon must carry absolute - charge and the conservation of net - charge law requires that there are equal amounts of both positive and negative charge present. Since the change in the photon from one inertial system to another is the frequency, which changes its energy, the absolute - charge must be a function of energy and therefore mass, through the mass and energy equivalence principle. The parameters for mass and charge have been and are used in different physical theories as though mass and charge were two completely unrelated "substances". However, the sources for the parameters for mass and charge in nature are the elementary particle and its associate systems ( nuclei, atoms, molecules, etc. ).
Is it to be imagined that the charge of an electron can be removed or isolated from it and that the mass shall remain? Is it to be assumed that it is mere chance that net charge and mass have quantitized themselves in such a way that it is possible and necessary for physics to give these quantitizations names ( electron, proton, neutron, pion, meson, lambda - particle, etc. ). Three postulates will now be given, from which a specific fundamental absolute - charge - mass relationship will be derived.

Postulate ( 1 ) : Charge is neither created nor destroyed in an inertial systems, only transformed ( absolute - charge is conserved ). Note that postulate ( 1 ) does not require that the absolute - charge of an entity be the same in two inertial systems, only that it be conserved in each.

Postulate ( 2 ) : There exists a fundamental relationship between absolute - charge and mass ( a rela- tionship that holds true between all masses and their associated absolute - charges ). A suitable mathematical statement of postulate ( 2 ) is: Q = H ( M, V ) K , where Q is the absolute - charge of an entity, relative to some observer, H is a specific function of relativistic mass M and relative velocity V, and K is a constant.

Postulate ( 3 ) : For any specific mass Mi traveling at a velocity Vk there is a unique value of absolute - charge Qi . Qi = H ( aMi , Vk ) = H ( bMi , Vk ) , if and only if a = b. The absolute - charge - mass relationship ( postulate ( 2 ) ) will now be solved exactly. The general form of H ( M , V ) can be obtained partially by a thought experiment, in which the velocity V is held fixed.

Imagine an empty mass - less container traveling with a constant velocity relative to an observer. Let this observer place an electron in this container with the electron at rest relative to the container. Then the container will contain a mass Me and an absolute - charge of, say Qe relative to the observer. Now let the observer place a second electron in the container, with the first, in the same fashion. There will now be a mass of 2 Me and an absolute - charge of, say Q2e in the container relative to the observer. Now how is Qe related to Q2e ? Since the velocity V is being held fixed, the absolute - charge - mass relationship Q = H ( M , V ) K reduces to: Q = h ( M ) K , where h is a unique function of mass M for a specific velocity V. The electron's absolute - charge Qe is given by Qe = h ( Me ) K , and by postulate ( 3 ) the absolute - charge differs from the magnitude of the net - charge by a constant amount at any fixed velocity. Therefore: Qe = qe + |e-| , where qe is the constant amount that the absolute - charge differs from the magnitude of the net - charge at a fixed velocity V. Now using postulate ( 3 ) again: Qe = qe + |e-| = Meb , b is an appropriate constant, solving this equation for Me , Me = ( qe + |e-| ) / b , and substi- tuting this into the reduced absolute - charge - mass relationship : Qe = h ( Me ) K = h ( ( qe + |e-| ) / b ) K = qe + |e-| , which implies that h is a linear function, implying that H ( M ,V ) is a linear function in the mass, so that 2 Qe = Q2e or generally nQe = Qne . The absolute - charge - mass relationship can now be written as: Q = ( aM ) G ( V ) K = MG ( V ) L, where L = aK and G ( V ) is a unique function of the velocity V, and L a constant.
In order to find further information about the function G ( V ) it will be necessary to examine the derivative dQ / dV. As the velocity of a entity that has a rest mass increases from zero to the velocity of light, the derivative dQ / dV can take on the value zero, a constant, a variable or a combination of these. Case ( 1 ): dQ / dV = 0, at some velocity between V = 0 and V = c, c is the speed of light. This condition is ruled out since Q does not vary ( increase ) with velocity as is required for the process of pair production. Absolute - charge has been shown to be a linear function of mass and mass increases with velocity. Therefore, since dQ / d V = 0 implies a false solution for Q, Q must be a continuously increasing function of velocity. Case ( 2 ): dQ / dV = a constant from V = 0 to V = c. This condition implies that: G ( V ) = r ( 1 _ V2 / c2 ) 1/2 V , where r is a constant and this implies that Q = Mo r K V. This solution is ruled out since it gives Q = 0 at V = 0 which implies that an elementary charged particle has no charge at rest. Case ( 3 ): dQ / dV = an increasing function of velocity = ( dG(V) / dV ) ( 1 _ V2 /c2 )1/2 Mo + Mo G ( V ) ( d( (1 _ V2 / c2 ) - 1/2 ) / dV ). This implies as a minimum condition that G ( V ) = a constant. This requirement for G ( V ) implies that Q = Mo ( a constant ) / ( 1 _ V2 / c2 )1/2 K. Assume G ( V ) is a constant from V = o to V = c and use this in a conservation of absolute - charge equation for a particle decay ( the absolute - charge before decay equals the absolute - charge after decay ). R ___ > W + T + Y , particle R decays into particle W, T, and Y. Let R be at rest when it decays. MR G ( 0 ) K = MW G ( VW ) K + MT G ( VT ) K + ( MR _ MW _ MT ) G ( VY ) K , if G ( V ) is a constant in general then: G ( 0 ) = G ( VW ) = G ( VY ) , and this implies that: MR = ( MW + MT + MR _ MW _ MT ) , which implies that MR = MR .
This is certainly a reasonable result, and a different result would imply a false assumption had been made. The conservation of absolute - charge equation will be used for the decay of a neutron. Again assume the neutron to be at rest when it decays. Also, assume again that G ( V ) is a constant from V = 0 to V = c. N ------ > P+ + e- + v ' MN G ( VN ) K = MP G ( VP ) K + Me G ( Ve ) K + ( MN _ MP _ Me ) G ( o ) K , ( MN _ MP _ Me ) = rest mass equivalent of neutrino. Again, if G ( 0 ) = G ( VN ) = G ( VP